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Lead Generator Module (Issuer Edge)
Lead Generator Module (Issuer Edge)
Exempt Edge avatar
Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over 4 months ago

The Lead Generator module allows potential investors not currently on the investor portal platform to visit a white labeled site (, fill out a few simple questions, and apply to invest with your company. These leads create records in your system, allowing you to review, accept, and assign them to an advisor. If accepted, the information provided by the potential investor will populate their profile.

Once the Lead Generator module has been turned on for your company, you will see the funnel icon on the left side of your screen.

Auto Responder

The Lead Generator module’s Autoresponder automatically sends an email to any potential investor that submits an application. This could be an acknowledgement that you’ve received their application, and optionally can contain documents. Should you choose to use this feature, it will be the first thing you set up. If you do not wish to use the Auto Responder, skip to Investor Acknowledgement.

Begin by creating an email template. Click on the Admin module and selecting the Email Templates tab. Select “Lead Gen Responder” from the Email Category drop-down menu, and create your email template as you would in any other category.

Once the email template is complete, click on the Lead Generator module icon and select the Auto Responder tab.

You’ll note that the Auto Responder defaults “Send Email” to “No” and you will need to change this toggle to “Yes” to activate this feature.

Once you click this toggle, you will receive a warning that if you have not yet set up an email template, potential investors will receive a blank email upon submission.

If you would like to include documents in the automatically generated emails, you may upload them here.

You may upload any number of documents to this area, but we recommend activating no more than three documents with a total size of less than 25MB to ensure the email does not fail when trying to send. To include a document in the automatically generated email, flip the center toggle to green.

Documents can be previewed using the “Eye” icon, and deleted from the table using the “Trash Can” Icon.

Investor Acknowledgement

To set up an acknowledgement that potential investors must accept prior to filling out the questionnaire, visit the Investor Acknowledgement tab. You will note that this table is automatically set to preview mode.

To set up your Investor acknowledgement, either toggle mode to “Edit” or click on the “Add Investor Acknowledgement” text, add your acknowledgement and click save. Any acknowledgement you add to this section will then be displayed in “Preview” mode and editable in “Edit” mode. Any text added to this area will be displayed to the potential investor prior to them beginning the questionnaire.

Managing Leads

As potential investor’s submit applications, they will appear in the first tab of the Lead Generator module, the “Lead Generator Requests” tab.

New leads will list the date of submission, name of the potential investor, their email, and the type of investor (Individual or Corporate). Any new lead will be unassigned, and contain the “Unauthenticated” tag.

To preview the information provided by the potential investor, click the review icon:

A red indicator on the review icon indicates that an admin user in your system has made an edit to a KYC question included in the lead generator questionnaire since the lead was submitted. If a question has changed, the lead’s answer to that question will not be included on their draft KYC unless you confirm you wish to retain it.

You may also preview the exact acknowledgement they accepted prior to starting.

If you would like to accept the lead and produce an investor profile, click the “Authenticate” icon. Once the lead has been accepted, the tag will flip to “Authenticated.”

You will be prompted to authenticate the lead by assigning an advisor in your system to the investor.

You will see a warning message if the lead’s email and investor type match an investor currently in your system. If you choose to continue to authenticate the lead, a new profile will be created.

If you do no want to accept the lead, you may click the trashcan icon to delete it from the table. Any lead that has been authenticated cannot be removed from this table.

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