Add in Issuer(s) and offering(s) to create transactions and track data.
Select the Issuer Module and click Add Issuer.
Under Add Issuer Profile, complete all fields with as much detail as possible and click Save. Note all that fields marked with an asterisk are required.
Creating an Offering
To create an offering, find the new Issuer you created within the Issuers module. Select Add Offering.
Complete all fields with as much detail as possible and click Save.
Once the offering is created, it will display an Overview tab with graphs reflecting Total $ Invested, Total $ Investment, Investment Status, and a Securities table.
Also found within the offering is the Current Market Value tab, where you can add updated CMV values and view a line graph of its change/progress over time. This data can also be exported.
The Offering Details tab allows you to edit the offering and define specifics. The categories include: Basic, Responsibility, Investor Profiling, Offering Commission, Offering Options, Purchase KYP Options, and Non-Purchase KYP Options.
The Document Control tab contains documents that can be accessed by advisors and issuers. For example, if you are EdgeLink-connected to an Issuer, they may upload any document (i.e. letter of indemnity) through their Document Control tab that you can view/accept through your own.
The Preset Exemptions tab within an offering allows you to define exemptions.
The Disclosures tab allows you to edit and define an offering disclosure (see article on Offering Disclosures for more detail).
Before creating your Issuers and Offerings, consider the following:
You can share documents by targeting two different groups:
1. every investor within an Issuer
2. every investor within an OfferingOn statements and Trade Confirmations, the name of the product will be displayed as: Issuer Name - Offering Name
When editing an Offering, pay attention to the 7 toggles and their respective tool tips at the bottom of the page to ensure your process is defined accurately.