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Batch Transactions - Sale of Securities
Batch Transactions - Sale of Securities
Exempt Edge avatar
Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over 6 months ago

Start by selecting the Transactions Module on your left toolbar.

Please note, a Sale of Securities is typically an Issuer-driven transaction. If the transaction is investor-driven, please choose 'Redemption of Securities' as the transaction type.

Select + Create Batch Securities.

Select + Create New Batch.

What type of transaction is this?

  1. Select “Sale of Securities” from the drop down menu.


  1. Select the applicable offering from the drop down menu.


  1. Select which trust companies to include (default is “Include all Trust Companies”).

  2. Select Trust (only applicable if “Include Selected Trust Companies” or “Do not include selected Trust Companies” is chosen).

  3. Select which trust companies to include/exclude from the drop down menu.

Begin Period Date:

  1. Input begin period date from the calendar or by manually entering the date (optional). The begin date is used in pro-rating the calculation.

End Period Date:

  1. Input end period date from the calendar or by manually entering the date (default is the current date)

Include Begin Date in Calculation

  1. Choose to include begin date in calculation or not (only applicable if begin date was entered, default is “NO”).

Show Zero Units:

  1. Choose to include investors holding zero units in the batch (default is “NO”).

Click the Next Step button.

Status of Transaction:

  1. Select which status the transaction(s) should be in to be included in the batch from the drop down menu.

Requested Date:

  1. Select the date from the calendar or by manually entering the date (default is the current date).

Approved Date

  1. Select the date from the calendar or by manually entering the date (optional).

Closed / Settlement Date:

  1. Select the date from the calendar or by manually entering the date.

Confirmation Instruction:

  1. Select from the drop down menu. Please note: trade confirmations are not sent until the transaction closes.

Dealer Role:

  1. Select from the drop down menu (default is “Agent”).

Show On Statement:

  1. Choose whether to show the transaction on the statement or not (default is “YES”).

Specify transaction details:

  1. Value/Unit to be redeemed (choose method from drop down menu, default is “Use CMV”).

  2. Text box is prefilled if “Use CMV” or “Use PPU” are selected, but should be changed for the other options.

  3. Enter the percentage of investor shares to redeem in the “Redeem % of shares?” text box if applicable.

If there are any Fees:

  1. Select the type of fee to be charged from the “Fee / Charge” drop down menu and enter a dollar value in the text box to the right.

  2. Select any Other Charges from the second “Fee / Charge” drop down menu, select how the fee or charge will be calculated from the “NA” drop down menu, and enter the value in the text box to the right.

If the Issuer charges any Fees:

  1. Choose “YES” (default is “NO”).

  2. Select the type of fee to be charged from the “Fee / Charge” drop down menu, select how the fee or charge will be calculated from the “NA” drop down menu, and enter the value in the text box to the right.

Click on the Create Batch button.

  1. The batch will be queued and appear as “Pending” in the Batches screen under “Transaction Batches”.

  2. Refresh to check the status, and click the eye symbol once the status is “Draft”.

Edit Transaction Batch (if any changes or updates are required).

  1. The batch may be edited by clicking the Edit button.

  2. Scroll down to the “Transaction Batch Listing” if no changes are required.

Transaction Batch Listing

  1. You can manually edit the number of units to be redeemed in the “UNITS” text box next to each client if desired (box will be pre-filled if a percentage of shares was entered in the “Redeem % of shares?” text box earlier)

  2. You can manually edit the dollar value per unit that the investor will receive from the redemption in the “$ / UNIT” text box next to each client if desired (value will be pre-filled based on the “Value/Unit” options from earlier)

  3. You can manually select to import the redemption for each investor, or select “All” above if all investors will be included. Note: Export Batch generates a CSV file of the redemption transaction

  4. Scroll up and select Start Batch Process when ready, or Cancel Batch to delete the batch

Click on the Start Batch Process button

  1. The batch will be queued and appear as “Scheduled” in the Batches screen under “Transaction Batches”

  2. Refresh to check the status. Batch will appear as “Complete” under “Processed Transaction Batches” when completed and be assigned a batch number

  3. Click the batch number to review the transaction results

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