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Reports Module - Issuer
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Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over a year ago

The Reports Module can be used to create reports and export them into the format of an Excel spreadsheet.

After clicking on the Reports tab within the module, select Choose Report Export Type from the drop down menu. This will allow you define the type of report you are looking to generate.

Balance Report: provides a summary of the activity that has occurred as of a certain date. After defining your search parameters, it will provide information on the position at its origin as well as the types of transactions that have since affected it. Headers include current type, total balance, total units, investment base, etc.

Commission & Fees Report: provides a summary of advisor commission and applicable fees associated with a transaction (as defined by your processes). This report provides information such as transaction details including type, amount, and units held as well as total commission percentage and dollar amount paid to the advisor.

Distribution Summary: allows you to view a summary of distributions paid to investors, as defined by your parameters. This report provides specific investor account details, income close dates, type/amount of distribution, original/beginning/end units, etc.

F1 Assistant: similar to a Schedule 1 Report; a report you can generate for any securities regulatory authority for tax/audit purposes. We provide a system 'assistant' for extra guidance throughout the process.

Issuer Closings: provides a detailed report of all transactions associated with a particular issuer closing date; this can be useful to reference positions held by an investor as of these dates.

Standard Export: essentially a 'general' export; provides investor details, transaction details, account details, offering details, trust company, advisor information, etc.

Account Access Report: will generate an export providing details about an investor's most recent login to their portal.

Transactions Report: provides a detailed list of transactions as defined by search parameters; headers include transaction number, status, confirmation, requested/approved/closed date and other pertinent transaction details.

Investor Notes Export: will provide an export of all notes associated with an investor (found in the Documents & Notes tab of an investor profile).

Securities Export: provides a list of investors' holdings and current market value on a per-offering level; headers include raw units, position cost, raw transaction value, original purchase reference number, etc.

After you make your selection, you can define your parameters in the fields given. Please note that 'Use Date Entry' is the only required field.

After defining the fields you’d like to be displayed in your report, you can click the Export button which will queue your report.

Your report will be queued to the Report Exports tab. This may take a few minutes to generate.

Click the arrow under the Download File section and it will export it as a CSV file.

Exporting Transactions

You are also able to queue reports through the Transactions module.

Filter the fields for the transactions you want to export (i.e. if you wish to create a report of all your purchases, then select Buy of Securities from the Transaction Type dropdown, click search, and it will display all purchases).

When you have a list of the transactions you want to export, hit the green Export button to queue your report.

You will have to go back into the Reports Module that is located on the left-hand side menu. Hit the Report Exports tab and you will find your transaction report in the list.

Click the arrow under the Download File section and it will export it to a CSV file.

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