Select the Admin Tab
Select the Email Templates Tab
To create a new template, click + Add Template
The email category determines when the email will be sent to investors, the title will be the email subject heading, and the content will be the email body.
There are two types of Shortcodes. Required Shortcodes must be used to meet the minimum requirements of the specific email category (Welcome emails must include an "activate link", Statements and Trade Confirmations emails must include a "login link"). Optional Shortcodes are not required, but allow you to easily personalize emails.
The "activate link" shortcode will generate a button in the email for the client to activate their log in. The "investor first name", "investor last name", and "company name" shortcodes will insert the investor's first name, last name, and your company name into the email, respectively.
The "login link" shortcode will generate a button in the email for the client to log in. The "investor username" will insert the investor's username into the email (this is useful to remind clients of their usernames).
You can select the eye icon to preview an email template, the 2 pages icon to duplicate an email template, the pencil icon to edit an email template, and the garbage can icon to delete* an email template.
To make any email template active, simply click on the checkbox next to the template.
*You cannot delete the default email template