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EdgeLink Non-Transactional Updates

Communicating non transactional changes from the Issuer or Dealer.

Exempt Edge avatar
Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over a year ago

Exempt Edge facilitates various EdgeLink updates and modifications in Issuer Details, Offering Details, Advisors, Dealerships, Investor Reinvestment Percentages, Document Revisions, and more. With EdgeLink Non-Transactional Updates, we streamline communication, organization, and tracking of these changes, ensuring you stay at the forefront of efficiency and innovation!

EdgeLink Pending Updates

This table is to allow users to review, accept or decline shared updates from connected parties.

  1. Connected Company: this is the name of the company (Issuer or Dealer) that made the change.

  2. Request Type: this is the type of update being received.

  3. Updated At: date the update was performed, in the date format chosen by the receiving company.

  4. Updated By: the user who made the update (Advisor, Assistant, Issuer Admin or Dealer Admin).

  5. Details: A summary of the change or update.

  6. Actions:

    1. Review Details

      1. If available, when clicked, see a display of the update

    2. Accept

      1. When clicked, the information in the receiving party’s system is updated

    3. Decline

      1. When this is selected, the Offering information is not updated and the notification goes away.

Update Audit Log

A record of any received update from a connected party, regardless of being accepted or declined, would be found on this table.

The table is filterable by:

  1. Type: this is the type of update being received.

  2. Detail: Search for a key word or sentence.

  3. Connected Party: this is the name of the company (Issuer or Dealer) that made the change.

  4. Date Range: Search for an update between two dates .

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