Individual Transactions
When creating a new investment for an individual investor, you can add multiple fees to the transaction by clicking the "Add Fee" button.
If you find that you've added too many, you can simply click the "X" beside any fee to delete it.
You can define the type of fee using the "Select Fee" drop-down menu. Your options are:
General Fee/Charge
Administration Fee
Management Fee
Performance Fee
You can also define how the fee will be calculated. Your options are:
Dollar Amount
Flat Fee
Finally, you can define if the fee applies to the transaction or to the position. As you define the fee, the net cost of the purchase will update in real time.
Adding Fees to an Batch Transactions
As with individual transactions, you can add as many fees as you wish to batch transactions. If the batch includes dividend reinvestment, you can add separate fees to the DRIP. The "Income Defaults" section and "Reinvestment Defaults" sections are side by side, so you can easily compare your calculated totals.
Once the batch has been completed, a breakdown of the fees assigned to the batch will appear in the "Transaction Default Options" window. The value of those fees will also appear in each individual investor's listing.
An investor's Trade Confirmation, if required, will also include a detailed breakdown of the fees paid.