Where can I access this feature?
The KYC feature is located in the Admin Module, under the KYC Settings tab.
If this tab is not available to you, please contact your Client Success Manager as they will likely need to activate this feature for you.
The KYC is separated into several components:
KYC Global Configuration
-KYC Global
-KYC Expiry
-Financial Presets
-KYC Compliance Approval
KYC Questions
-Investor Suitability
-Investor Status
-Anti-Money Laundering
-Financial Presets
KYC Global Configuration
The details provided here will apply to both Individual and Corporate KYCs. This section contains 3 subsections.
1. KYC Global: This allows you to include an introduction to your KYC.
Whatever is written in this section will appear at the very beginning of the downloaded KYC document.
2. KYC Expiry: This allows you to define an expiry period for the KYC.
This will be displayed on the Investor profile under the KYC tab in the 'Active KYC' section.
3. Financial Presets: These allow you to define concentration limits.
The limits you set in this section will be used to calculate concentration and provide a visual representation of these calculations to the advisors as they are creating new trades.
KYC Questions
The details provided in this section will touch upon many different areas. It can be used to define the questions for both Individual and Corporate KYCs, as well as the Lead Generator and the Front Facing KYC. This section is separated into 7 subsections:
Investor Suitability
Offering (*these questions are not editable)
Investor Status
Anti-money laundering
Financial Page Control
Modifying the KYC Questions
Each of these questions have several options that can be modified. These edits save in real time. *Please note that the Settings page does not auto-refresh, so edits made by one user may not be visible to another if both users are on the Settings page at the same time.*
Description: Questions that are not in the Offering section can be modified as needed. It is mandatory to have text in every question of the English KYC. This is not required for the French KYC.
Preset Options: Any question with single- and multi-selection answers, can be customized by editing, adding, or deleting answers. Any existing answer can be deleted by clicking the x next to it. A new answer option can be added by clicking the + symbol. Please note that options cannot be reordered and any deleted option will be permanently lost.Type: Denotes the type of answer selector (single-selection, multi-selection, or text.)
Investor: Denotes whether the question will appear on KYC's for individual investors, corporate investors, or all investors.
KYC: This checkbox allows users to hide preset questions from your KYC without completely deleting them.
Investor Portal: This checkbox allows users to choose to display the KYC in the investor portal or not.
Lead Gen: If Lead Generator module is enabled, checking this box allows potential investors not currently on the investor portal platform to fill out these questions as part of a questionnaire. If you accept a lead, a draft KYC will be added to the investor's profile.
Link to Related Party: Allows the user to link a related party to investor suitability and offering questions.
Actions: These arrows allow the user to reorder questions within the section. Questions that were manually added can be deleted by clicking the x next to the question. Please note that default questions cannot be deleted but they can be removed by unchecking the question in the KYC column.
Aside from the allowable modifications described above, it is also possible to add new questions to the KYC by clicking the + Question icon below the KYC Question header. Please note that when a question is added, it is mandatory to provide an English description but the French description is not required and all new questions can only be answered using a text field.
Name: This field will not be visible to your clients, but is required for Exempt Edge's internal records.
Question: This field will be the primary, bolded text question. This field is required.
Category: This dropdown menu allows the user to choose which section the new question will appear under (investor, anti-money laundering, status, identity or additional).
Once the question has been added, a description can be added to it within the "Preset Options" column of the question.
Language Options
The KYC can be customized in both English and French by clicking the language toggle on the right-hand side:
While the two versions can be edited separately, the following rules apply:
The number of questions in both versions of the KYC will be the same. This means two things:
If you add a question to a version of the KYC, it will add a question to the other version as well.
If you remove a question from one version of the KYC, it will remove it from the other version as well.
The ordering of questions in both versions will be the same. This means that:
If you move the ordering of a question up or down, the corresponding question in the other version will also move up or down.
The assigned options will be the same in both versions. This means that:
The Investor selection of each question will be the same in both version.
The questions appearing on the KYC, Lead Generator, and Related Party section will be the same for both version. Uncheck one, and the corresponding question will be unselected in the other language.
The functionality described above applies to the questions found on the KYC, but does not extend to the options associated to the questions. This means that while a question will be the same in terms of order in the list and area it appears, the multi-select option associated to that questions can be customized individually. We do not recommend setting-up the options in a different format between languages as this will cause issues if the investor's language preference is changed.
The KYC downloaded from the system will be based on the Language Preference indicated on the investor' profile.