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Periodic KYP: Offering KYP Settings

Find out how to use the Periodic KYP options to manage your product shelf and monitor KYP Significant Changes to maintain suitability

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Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over 2 years ago

Periodic KYP Options

The KYP Options section can be edited with an Offering's details, allowing Admin Users and Shelf Managers to set offerings availability and active dates as well as control significant change notifications.

These options are separated into two categories, allowing control for both Purchase and Non-Purchase transactions.

Purchase Transactions

These toggles will affect both Purchase and Sell transaction types.

Available for Purchase Transactions?: activating this toggle will allow Admins and Advisors with an active KYP approval to create purchase transactions.
Available for Purchase Transactions Active Date: the ability to create purchase transactions will become active on the date entered in this field.
Purchase Transactions Active Days till Expiration: this allows you to set the length of time for which you would like the ability to create purchase transactions to be active. When the set length of time has elapsed, the Available for Purchase Transactions toggle will automatically be deactivated

Send Significant Change Notification for Available for Purchase?: activating this toggle allows Admin Users and Managers to indicate that a significant change has occurred.
Significant Change Note for Available for Purchase: when the toggle above has been activated, the user will be prompted to enter a brief note on the nature of the significant change. *Please note that once the note is saved, it will not be displayed within this window.

Non-Purchase Transactions

These toggles will affect Transfer-in, Transfer-out, Redemption, DRIP, Interest, Income, ROC, Trailers and Fee transaction types.

Available for Purchase Transactions?: activating this toggle will allow Admins and Advisors with an active KYP approval to create purchase transactions.
Available for Purchase Transactions Active Date: the ability to create purchase transactions will become active on the date entered in this field.
Purchase Transactions Active Days till Expiration: this allows you to set the length of time for which you would like the ability to create purchase transactions to be active. When the set length of time has elapsed, the Available for Purchase Transactions toggle will automatically be deactivated

Send Significant Change Notification for Available for Purchase?: activating this toggle allows Admin Users and Managers to indicate that a significant change has occurred.
Significant Change Note for Available for Purchase: when the toggle above has been activated, the user will be prompted to enter a brief note on the nature of the significant change. *Please note that once the note is saved, it will not be displayed within this window.

Notifications about Significant Changes

Once a Significant Change is saved, Admin Users, Shelf Managers, and Advisors (both with an without active KYP Approval) will receive a notification via the bell icon in the top right-hand corner. The Note added to the Significant Change will be displayed to them here.

For a review on the effect that these options will have on an Advisor's KYP Settings, please review this article:

For an overview of all Offerings' Periodic KYP Settings, please review this article:

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