Branch Managers are able to review and edit any investor or transaction from advisors assigned to them and are able to track all commissions being paid to the Branch and its connected parties.
Branch Manager Dashboard
Branch Managers will have access to a new dashboard where they can access and filter for high-level transaction details for advisors assigned to the branch.
Please note, the values reflected in the Branch Dashboard only include the data from the Branch Manager's team and exclude the trades created by Branch Manager individually.
Deal Pipeline Branch will display purchase transaction totals for the branch, filterable by offering and time period. Branch users can click on any of the pipeline stages to jump to a filtered transactions table for that stage. The stages are sorted as follows:
In Progress = In Progress status
Waiting Approval = Submit for Approval status
Returned = Returned to Advisor status
Approved = Approved or Approved - Awaiting Issuer status
Closed = Closed/Settled status
Total Sales by Offering provides a visual representation of the total net amount for Closed/Settled Buy transactions, by offering and time period.
Top Advisors lists the highest-performing advisors based on total sales, by time period. Clicking on the advisors will direct you to their advisor profile.
Advisors Tab
Branch Managers will have view/read-only access to the details of the advisors assigned to them.
Within a connected advisor's profile, the Branch Manager can view the advisor's contact details, NRD #, Grid %, Jurisdiction(s), Conflicts, and Linked Referrals. They will also have access to Capital Raised, Issuer totals, and a summary of Securities sold in the last 365 days.
If the Advisor KYP and Linked Investors features are active for the Dealer, the Branch Managers will also have view/read-only access to these details.
Transactions Table
Branch managers will find a new filter within their transaction module called "Connected Advisors". The Connected Advisors dropdown will contain all advisors that are assigned to the Branch Manager.
Branch Commission Details
Transaction Commission Tab
Branch Manager users will only see the Transaction Commissions Tab for transactions in an In Progress or Submit for Approval status. Branch Managers will NOT have the ability to edit the commission details; their access to this data is view/read-only.
Payable Grid
Branch Commission is the maximum payable commission on a transaction.
Branch Spread is the calculated difference between the Branch Commission and the Advisor Grid.
Branch Commission Breakdown
Branch Manager 1 is the portion of the Branch Spread allocated to the Branch Manager
Branch Manager 2 is the portion of the Branch Spread allocated to the 2nd Branch Manager, if applicable
Branch Payable is the portion of the Branch Spread allocated to the Branch
Transaction Overview Tab
Once a transaction is in any other status, the Commission details will be viewable within the Transaction Details on the Overview tab.
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