Update to Distribution Types and DRIP Transactions
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Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over a week ago

We've made some updates to the way we process distributions and how we define DRIP percentage on batch and individual transactions.

Batch Transactions

When creating a batch distribution for investors within the Exempt Edge platform we have updated the distribution types and added DRIP functionality to each payment.

  1. Select "+ Create Batch Securities" from the main Transactions page.

2. Now that you're on the Batch Transactions page, select "+ Create New Batch"

3. To create a distribution, you will need to select Income, Interest, or Return of Capital.

4. When any of these three distribution types are selected, a secondary drop-down menu will prompt you to specify whether the dividends will be reinvested.

5. Once you have specified the distribution type (Income, Interest, or Return of Capital) and whether to reinvest, you can fill out the rest of the transaction details. Please note that not all toggles must be selected. The below image marks fields that are most commonly used in creating a batch transaction.

Individual Transactions

As with creating a batch transaction, the distribution types have been updated and DRIP functionality has been added to each payment on individual transactions.

  1. Select the investor you wish to create the distribution for and scroll down to the "Securities Held By Investor" table.

2. Click the "+" button to create the distribution. To create a DRIP transaction, you can select Income, Interest, or Return of Capital.

3. Once you have selected one of these three distribution types, you can specify whether dividends will be reinvested.

4. Once you have specified the distribution type (Income, Interest, or Return of Capital) and whether to reinvest, you can fill out the rest of the transaction details. Please note that not all toggles must be selected. The below image marks fields that are most commonly used in creating an individual transaction.

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