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Communication Preferences & Email Notifications
Communication Preferences & Email Notifications

This article details what actions will trigger email notifications and how to control these notifications on the investor level.

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Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over a week ago

The following actions will trigger email notifications:

  1. Statement Batches: Triggered whenever a statement batch is generated, using the Batch Statements Module.

2. Trade Confirmations: Triggered when a transaction marked as "Generate when closed/settled" is set to "Closed/Settled" status.

3. Investor Viewable Documents (found in two different areas of the system):

i) Found in the "Documents & Notes" tab on the Investor level;

ii) Found in the "Documents" tab within a transaction.

4. Investor Issuer Updates: Found on the Issuer level.

5. Approved Investor Updates (Offering): Found in the "Document Control" tab on the Offering level.

6. Activation Email: Found on the Investor's profile.

How to control email notifications on an investor-specific level:

Within an investor's profile, 3 toggles allow the control of email notifications:

  1. Statements: this controls email notifications related to Statements

  2. Trade Confirmations: this controls email notification related to Trade Confirmations

  3. Investor Viewable Documents & Updates: this controls email notifications related to Investor Viewable documents, Investor Issuer Updates, and Approved Investor Updates (Offering).

Email Notifications and Email Templates

The email notifications listed above rely on the following Email Templates, found within the Email Templates tab of the Admin Module:

Welcome: Activation Email

* Note: this email template will always be used if the investor does not have an active investor portal

Statements: System Batches

Trade Confirmations: Trade Confirmations

Offering Documents: Investor Viewable Documents, Investor Issuer Updates, and Approved Investor Updates (Offering).

Email vs. Print

Within the investor's profile, their Statement Delivery Preference can be set to either "Print" or "Email".

Email: these investors will have all documents uploaded to their investor portal. They will receive emails based on the settings of their Email Notification toggles.

Print: these investors will have all documents uploaded to their investor portal. When creating Statement Batches and Trade Confirmations, a .zip file will be created, allowing you to easily download, print, and mail the document. Look for the "Download Print Statements" icon within the Statement Batches and Trade Confirmation Batches areas. They will not receive receive notifications, regardless of the settings of their Email Notification toggles.

*Please note, if an investor's communication preference is set to 'Print', but they have EE-Sign enabled, they will still receive all emails regarding documents that need to be signed VIA EE-Sign.

When will the email notification be sent?

Instantly: Statement notifications, Welcome notifications, EE-Sign notifications, Lead Gen notifications, Deactivation notifications

End of day: Document notifications, Trade Confirmation notifications

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