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Balance Report
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Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over 3 months ago

Balance Report

The Balance Report is intended to provide a summary of the activity that has occurred as of a certain date. It will list positions that fit the filters applied and provide information on the position at its origin as well as the types of transactions that have affected it. This report is available in the Reports/Exports module.


Several filters can be applied to this report, though each filter can only accept one selection.

The only required fields are 'Use Date Entry' and 'Offering'. If you would like to include all transaction types in this report, do not define a transaction type in the drop-down.
This report is run on a by-offering basis, so in order to see reports on multiple offerings, you must generate a report for each.
When setting the date range of the report, only the End Date will be considered.

Report Columns

The report contains the following information:

As of Date: The end date entered into the reports date filter.

Investor Status: The state of the Active toggle on the investor's profile.

Investor Type: Individual or Corporate.

Account Owner: Will display the corporation name for Corporate investors, the client's name for Individual investors, or both client's names for Individual Joint investors.

Corporate Contact: Will display the name of the Contact listed on a Corporate investor's profile.

Email: Email address on the investor's profile.

Account Owner Address: Relates to the physical address.

Account Owner Suite: Relates to the physical address.

Account Owner City: Relates to the physical address.

Account Owner Province: Relates to the physical address.

Account Owner Postal: Relates to the physical address.

Account Owner Country: Relates to the physical address.

Account Owner Mailing Address: Relates to the mailing address.

Account Owner Mailing Suite: Relates to the mailing address.

Account Owner Mailing City: Relates to the mailing address.

Account Owner Mailing Province: Relates to the mailing address.

Account Owner Mailing Postal: Relates to the mailing address.

Account Owner Mailing Country: Relates to the mailing address.

Trust: The Trust Company/Bank of the account in which this position is held.

Account Type: The type of account in which the position is held.

Account Number: Relates to the account in which the position is held.

Account External Reference: Relates to the account in which the position is held.

Account Additional: Relates to the account in which the position is held.

Account Description: Relates to the account in which the position is held.

Offering Name: The offering selected in the report filters.

Original Date: Closed date of the oldest Buy or Transfer-In transaction relating to the position. If none is available, it will be the closed date of the oldest transaction available.

Current Type: Indicates whether the position was created via a Buy (Purchase) or a Transfer-In.

Beginning Balance $: Position Value as of the 'Low Date' of date range specified in the the report filters.

Beginning Units: Position Units as of the 'Low Date' of date range specified in the the report filters.

Ending Balance $: Position Value as of the 'High Date' of date range specified in the the report filters.

Ending Units: Position Units as of the 'High Date' of date range specified in the the report filters.

Average CPU: Average Cost Per Unit on the As of Date.

Investment Base: Net Amount of the original Buy or Transfer-In. If none are available, it will be the Net Amount of the first Drip.

DRIP Units: The sum of all Drip units as of the As of Date.

Total DRIP $: The sum of the Net Amount of all Drip transactions as of the As of Date.

DRIP Residual $: The sum of outstanding residual amounts, as of the As of Date.

Total Cash Paid $: The sum of Income and Interest transactions, as of the As of Date.

Total Transfer Out $: The sum of the Net Amount of all Transfer-out transactions as of the As of Date.

Total Redemption $: The sum of the Net Amount of all Redemption and Sale transactions as of the As of Date.

Selling EMD: The Dealership associated to the Selling Advisor below.

Selling Advisor: The Selling Advisor associated to the transaction that is reflected in the Original Date.

Owning EMD: The Dealership associated to the Owning Advisor below.

Owning Advisor: The Advisor listed on the investor's profile.

External Dealer Reference #: The External Identifier added to the transaction that is reflected in the Original Date.

If the report fails to generate

If the report does not generate, it is likely because a required piece of information is not available and is therefore preventing the report from completing. We suggest pulling an Investor Export to verify that all investors in your system have the following information:

  • Province

    • Residential

    • Mailing (if different from Residential)

  • Country

    • Residential

    • Mailing (if different from Residential)

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