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EdgeLink Core

A system allowing Issuers to participate in the EdgeLink ecosystem, regardless of the back-office management software they use.

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Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over 2 months ago

Welcome to EdgeLink Core!

Edgelink Core is a back office tool designed to streamline administration. It will allow you to manage all your transactional data in one place, track unit availability and generate robust reports that meet regulatory requirements. You will also be able to connect with EMDs currently using our platform, enabling you to ensure investor and transactional data is consistent in both systems.

The following guide will assist you in navigating your new system. To begin, we'll provide a general overview of the system and guide you through the organization of your data, as well as how to add it to the system. We'll then provide you with an overview of the EdgeLink ecosystem, allowing you to 'plug in' and get started right away!

Let's get started!


The EdgeLink Core system is separated into sections, each accessible via the icons of the left side of the screen. Below, each section will be explored, providing a brief overview of the information found within it and the actions it allows you to perform. Simply click on the section you want to know more about:


The next section on your toolbar, represented by a Temple icon, allows you to manage the Exempt Market Dealers and Advisors in your system.

In this section, you will see a table containing all Dealers available your system:

Once a Dealer is selected, you will be provided with an overview of their information, which you can edit at any time. A list of Advisors tied to this dealership is also provided in a separate tab, where you can edit the details tied to each individual advisor:


The next section on your toolbar, represented by a Building icon, allows you to manage the Issuers and Offerings in your system.

In this section, you will see a table containing all Issuers available your system, where you can manually add new Issuers:

Once an Issuer is selected, you will be provided with an overview of their information, which you can edit at any time. Below the Issuer's information, you'll find a list of Offerings, as well as the Executives, Directors, Promoters, and Control Persons tied to this Issuer. You can create a new entity in either of these categories at any time.
Note: Please ensure you provide the 'Executives, Directors, Promoters, and Control Persons' information as it will be required to produce F1 reports.

In the next section, we will cover information tied to Offerings.


Note: to learn how to navigate to a specific Offering, please read through the 'ISSUERS' section above.

Once an Offering is selected, you will be provided with an overview of its information, separated into 3 tabs:

Current Market Value

Here, you can add or edit CMVs/NAVs as needed.

Offering Details

Here, you will see an overview of the information entered when the offering was created, which you can edit at any time.

Document Control

Here, you can upload documents to share with your Edgelink connected Dealers.


The next section on your toolbar, represented by a Group icon, allows you to manage the Investors in your system.

In this section, you will see a table containing all Investors available your system, where you can manually add Investors at any time:

Once an investor is selected, their information will be separated into 5 tabs:
Please note, you can create a new position related to this investor from any of these tabs, by clicking on the '+ New Investment' button in the top-right corner.


Here, you will see an overview of their holdings, separated by Offering and Account. You can update the reinvestment percentage associated to a position by clicking the 'drop' icon next to the position. Please note that changes to reinvestment percentage will be shared with EdgeLink connected Dealers.


Here, you can access the investor's details, which you can update at any time.


Here, all accounts related to this investor will be displayed. You can add or edit an account at any time. Please note, joint accounts can only be edited from the profile of the primary account holder.

Documents & Notes

Here, you can attach notes and documents related to the investor. These notes will not be viewable to the investor and are for internal use only.


Here, all transactions associated to this investor will be displayed. You can filter to narrow your results. To view more details about or edit a transaction, click on the transaction number (format T:xxxxx). To view the batch that the transaction belongs to, click on the batch number (format B:xxxx).

To create a new buy transaction for an investor, simply click the 'New Investment' button on the right hand side of the page.

For information about the details found within a transaction, please see the Transaction section below.


The next section on your toolbar, represented by a List icon, allows you to manage the Transactions in your system.

Transaction Search

This is where you will be able to filter and search all transactional data in your system.

Edit Transaction
Within the transaction, you are able to see expanded details, investor/account/advisor details, and any added notes. To edit the transaction, you must first set the status to 'In Progress'.

Documents Tab

The transaction will also have a Documents tab where you will be able to attach any offering required documents or specific transaction documents:

Exemptions Tab

Finally, the transaction will contain an Exemptions tab, which allows you to edit the exemption added to the transaction. Please note, once a transaction is accepted into your system from a connected Dealer, you will be unable to edit the exemption and must set the status of the transaction to 'Return to Dealer' in order for them to correct.

Transaction Batch Update

In this area, you are able to search for transactions in your system (for example, all transactions currently in 'Approved' status), and update all transactions which match that criteria. Simply select the transactions you would like to update and indicate the Status, Approval Date, or Closed date to apply. Please note, of these three fields, only the ones in which you input information will be updated.

You will then enter the updates you would like to make (1), select the applicable transactions (2) and then click "Save Selected" (3).


The next module on your toolbar is your Reports/Exports module. In this area of the system, you are able to generate various reports containing system data, depending on your requirements.

From the "Choose Report Export Type" drop-down, you are able to select the type of report you wish to generate.

You are then able to define the criteria you would like the report to capture. Once this is complete, you can click "Export" and the report will be available to download as a CSV file in the Reports/Exports tab.

Please refer to the following guides for more details on the available reports:


Lastly, you will find your Admin module, which allows you to edit your own company details, including address, phone number and support email.


The most efficient way to add your data to the system is through the Importer tool. This section is represented by the upward arrow icon on your left toolbar.

Depending on your requirements, you are able to choose a template from the 'Download Templates' drop-down menu, which you can fill-in and upload to the system to add your data.​

Please refer to the following guide for more details on the available templates:


The EdgeLink system is your secret weapon, allowing you to connect with Exempt Market Dealership and facilitating seamless data transfers. It is broken down into two main components below, simply click on the section you want to know more about:


The EdgeLink section is easily recognizable as it is the only icon containing colour, represented by overlapping black and green shapes. The information in this section is organized into 6 tabs:


This first page provides insight into your operations and displays a few different sales metrics, such as:

Deal Pipeline - where Purchases (Buy transactions) are sorted as follows:

  • In Progress - In Dealer's system but not compliance approved yet or in Returned to Dealer status

  • Pending - Pending your approval in the Pending Transactions tab

  • Reviewing - In Waiting for Approval or In Progress status

  • Approved - In Approved or Approved, Funds Received status

  • Closed - In Closed/Settled status

Total Sales By Offering graph - provides visual representation of total closed sales by offering and time period.

Top Sellers By Advisor table - lists the highest performing advisors based on total sales for chosen time period. Clicking on the advisors will direct you to their advisor profile.


Here, all transactions sent to you for review by connected Dealers will be available. Depending on the exact nature of the transaction, you will have the option to review it in more detail, accept it, or reject it.

Transaction Batches

Here, all transactions sent to you in batches will be available to review and accept or reject.


Here, all updates that a Dealer has made that does not relate to a transaction but may be of relevance to you will be available for review. Examples of these types of updates include changes to reinvestment percentages and advisor reassignments.

Activity Log

Here, an audit of the actions performed in your EdgeLink system are available for review. These are separated into actions performed on transactions, and actions performed on updates.


Here, you can connect with other companies by initiating a connection using their unique identifier. This will also allow you to control which offerings you share with your connected Dealers, and manage these connections moving forward.

For more detailed guides on these Edgelink processes, please refer to the collection below: ​

EdgeLink Connect

This section is represented by the chain link icon underneath your Edgelink section, and is part of the larger Edgelink ecosystem. EdgeLink Connect has been designed to provide Issuers with a powerful platform for showcasing their products through customized investment profiles, while granting them access to a network of Dealers already integrated into the system. Please refer to the collection below for more detailed information:

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