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Client Portal Document Uploads
Client Portal Document Uploads

How to upload and share documents with your investors to their Investor Portal

Exempt Edge avatar
Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over 2 years ago

Documents can be uploaded and shared with your investors on their Investor Portal in the Global Investor Documents, Investor Issuer Updates, Approved Investor Documents (Offering) and Investor Documents tables depending on the desired subset of investors will determine where documents should be uploaded.

Uploading Documents for All Investors

Documents can be uploaded in the Global Investor Documents table within the Document Control tab of the Admin module that will be shared with every investor who has set up their Investor Portal.

Once a desired document has been uploaded, the name of the document will be displayed and you can can also view or delete the uploaded document using the 'eyeball' icon or 'trash can' icon. The Investor Viewable toggle must be set to On for the document to be displayed on the Investor Portal.

After the upload is complete and the Investor Viewable toggle has been set to On, investors will be able to view the uploaded document via the Documents tab on the Investor Portal, along with a preview of the document, the upload date, and options to download the file:

Please note: Uploading documents to this area for all investors will NOT trigger any email notifications to investors.

Notes can also be added during the upload process which will be displayed on the investor portal to optionally share additional information regarding the file that was uploaded:

The note added here will be displayed on the investor portal as the Description of the file:

The document can be unshared at any time from the Investor Portal by deleting the document from this table, or setting the Investor Viewable toggle to off.

Issuer Specific Documents

Documents can also be shared with investors who have holdings with a specific issuer. Documents shared in the Investor Issuer Updates table will be available to Investors with holdings in any offering within the issuer's profile on the Investor Portal via the Documents tab if they have current investments within this issuer.

To access this table to share a document, navigate to the Issuers module, select an issuer, and scroll down to the Investor Issuer Updates table. Once a document has been selected for upload, users will have the option to select if an email notification will be sent, informing investors of the newly uploaded document:

Please note: For any document upload that provides an option to send an email notification, the email will be sent to the investor's email address that is set on their profile and the system will generate and send out the document notification emails at 12:00am server time.

The email that is sent to investors will be based on the active Document Notification email template that has been set in the Email Templates section of the Admin module:

Offering Specific Documents

Documents can also be shared with investors with holdings in a specific offering allowing for for flexibility with document sharing. To upload an offering-specific document, select an offering from the Issuers page and navigate to the Document Control tab within the offering:

Navigate to the Approved Investor Updates (Offering) table to upload a document to be shared with investors:

Once a document has been selected for uploaded, the users can toggle the Email Notifications toggle to ON if they would like investors to receive an email notification.

Once the upload is complete, the document can be viewed, an additional note can be added, the file can be archived, or the document can be downloaded using the Action button:

Investor Specific Documents

If you would like to share a document with a single investor, files can be shared from within Documents & Notes tab of an investor's profile:

You can then upload a document in the Investor Documents table located on this page:

Please note: Uploading documents to this area for a specific investor will trigger an email notification to the investor once the Investor Viewable toggle has been enabled (the email will be sent same day at 12:00 am server time).

Once the document has been uploaded, set the Investor Viewable toggle to on, and the document will be shared with your investor directly on their Investor Portal.

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