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Investors Export - Advisor
Investors Export - Advisor

This is how advisors can pull a list of all investors within their system

Exempt Edge avatar
Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Within your system, you can pull a full Investor List. Do this by navigating to the Investor Module.

From there, simply select "Export Investors". Your export will be queued to generate and can be found in the Reports Exports Tab.

This will give you an excel spreadsheet with the following headers:

Investor Status (Active / Inactive)

Investor Type (Individual / Corporate)

Portal Activation (Pending / Activated / Inactive)

2FA Status (Active)

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Corporate Name

Corporate Contact Name

Birth Date (Y-m-d)



Residential Address

Residential Address 1

Residential City

Residential Province

Residential Postal

Residential Country

Mailing Address

Mailing Address 1

Mailing City

Mailing Province

Mailing Postal

Mailing Country


Dual Citizenship


Owning Advisor


Statement Frequency (Quarterly / Monthly / No Generate)

Communication Preference (Email / Print)

External Identifier

Investor Language (French / English)


Vulnerable Person


Created Date

Do Not Contact


ID Type

ID Expiry

Linked Investors

KYC Active Date

KYC Expiry Date

KYC Out of Range Date

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