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EE-Sign Tab and Document Tables
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Written by Exempt Edge
Updated over a year ago

The EE-Sign Tab can be found within the Investor profile or within a transaction.

The EE-Sign Tab has two tables that will hold important information, the Document Library and Documents for Signing. The EE-Sign Document Library is where users can upload and prepare any new documents that you require signed. This table will show any previously uploaded documents.

Uploading a Document

Clicking the "Upload" button will allow you to add new files for signing. You can do this two ways; by selecting them from a folder on your computer, or by dragging and dropping them into the upload window.

*you can select or drag and drop multiple files

As you add new documents for upload you will have the ability to define the document type (Internal, Transaction, KYC).

Click "Upload" to complete the process.

Once uploaded you will see the documents within the Document Library.

Preparing a Document

The next step is to select the documents you want to send for signing. Click the check box beside each of the required documents and click "Prepare Document".

You can now choose the order that the documents will be reviewed in. To change the order of the documents, click the double stacked lines beside the documents and drag the file to the desired position.

Users will have two options to proceed with; Merge the documents into one PDF or keep them as separate files. Keeping them separate will allow them to be treated as separate documents but will send separate signature requests via email to the signers.

The Documents for Signing table has a few areas you should be aware of

1. A search bar to find pending or signed EE-Sign requests

2. Allows you to send a reminder email to the signer

*you will need to select the files to remind first (#3)

3. Check box for selecting what documents you want to send a reminder for

4. Check box for selecting what document investor acknowledgement and consent details you want to review

5. Status of the EE-Sign request (Pending, Pending DR, Signed)

6. The "eye" icon will allow users to preview the active EE-Sign request

*users will see the "tags" replaced with signatures/initials/dates as the signers complete their requests

The printer icon will allow you to print a "unmarked" (no tags) version of the document.

The Trash can allows you to delete pending EE-Sign requests

Once the document is signed by all signers an audit summary of the signers, location, time, date and IP address will be added to the end of the document.

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